Welcome to DMA

We represent the Malayalis living in and around Dunedin. 

About Us

We are some members of the Malayali community living in and around Dunedin, New Zealand and have formed an association namely the  Dunedin Malayalam Association. It started functioning  since 2014 and was registered as an Incorporated society in 2019. The committee members of 2021-22 took initiative in enhancing the association by digital means and thus created the website and automated the membership programs.

Our Vision

The Society aims to promote good race relations, eliminate discrimination on grounds of race and to encourage equality of opportunity between people of different racial groups in the Society.

Our Mission

To deliver culturally appropriate services to our members, with an emphasis on furthering the delivery of holistic aspects of health and education, as well as facilitating networking and partnership with other cultural groups. We would also like to assist new arrivals with their settlement and integration in New Zealand society.

Core Values

Our mission is to further promote the interests of our organization and our members to the community. We strive to make a difference by educating the public and expanding our reach.

Meet the Team


Jesly Augustine



Dr. Shalini S Kumar


Committee Members

Address List

Social Networks

DMA Inc.

The Malayalee association aims to engender hope and empower our society, while we celebrate change and diversity.